The TrendHub home screen is where your interaction with TrendMiner begins. It provides you access to the analytics platform and various forms of support, including a direct communication channel with TrendMiner experts.
When opening TrendHub, you will notice a couple of things. Toolbars are visualized, the tags & attribute menu is opened and in the middle of the screen a "Call to action" is shown.
This article will explain the basics of the following topics:
TrendMiner currently has three hubs; the time-series analytics platform, TrendHub, the annotation management platform, ContextHub, and the dashboard platform, DashHub. The top bar is a common bar in all hubs, allowing for easy navigation between each of these hubs and some more hub specific actions.
The Hubswitcher : Each home screen is accessible at any time by clicking the "HubSwitcher", which is found on the left of the top bar. There, the hub of choice can be selected.
Tag & attribute browser : The tag & attribute browser provides you the ability to search for tags or attributes belonging to an asset structure. This asset structure can be defined in TrendMiner or sourced from a PI Asset Framework. The asset browser also enables you to easily navigate your plant asset structure and associated tags. Once a tag or attribute of interest is found, it can easily be added to the active tag list.
Home tab : The home button directs you back to your selected hub main screen. For example, if you are looking for views in the work organizer, you can hit the 'Home' button to go back to your TrendHub / ContextHub / DashHub main screen.
Work organizer tab : TrendMiner items (like views, searches, calculated tags…) are located, managed, and saved in the work organizer. This feature can be found under Work organizer located left of the user profile menu, top right of the TrendMiner User Interface.
Monitoring tab : All monitors are accessible and located behind this button. Next to opening the included item (search / fingerprint) of a monitor, a monitor can be enabled, edited, or disabled on this screen. A blue number indicator is shown to indicate unseen monitor results.
Help Center Behind the question mark icon, you will find several resources to Get started in TrendHub (as well as other Hubs). The Help Center or the E-learning courses will get you up to speed with the functionalities present in TrendHub, while the What's new option directs you to the release overview page with our latest release notes. Next to the resource section, you can also find a Reach out section with an option to chat with us, report bugs or a make a wish option to let us know what your desired functionality would be.
Notification Center : The envelope icon is used to highlight a range of important updates and events. Many actions are recorded in the notification center. An envelope badge is used to provide an immediate indication of a notice you should be aware of. Notifications include views that have been shared with you, warnings, import and sync successes and disabled monitors. Whenever there are unread notifications, this is made clear with a number indicator.
User actions, under user profile : The user profile enables you to carry out a few basic actions related to your account and your TrendMiner session. Going from a toggle full screen option to an Account management option where you can update your name and/or email address and logging out. You can also start a new session, in your current browser tab or in a new tab. As a final option, you can also consult which version of TrendMiner you are currently working with.
The menu bar is situated on the left side of the screen. You can start analysing your data once a tag or attribute has been made active or a view is loaded. Using the menu bar, you can easily switch to other functionalities to help you analyse, discover, diagnose, and monitor your data.
The first group contains the 'Basic' tools, which will help you fine tune and set up the correct data to investigate.
The next group allows you to search in historical data, filter out pieces of data or summarize ideal behaviour.
The final, isolated blocks are advanced menus to help you to diagnose the data or to predict the future.
* All data used in TrendHub is indexed. Indexed data makes it possible to visualize and analyze your data quicker. Please read here to learn more about indexing. The index manager menu is only available for admin users and is shown at the bottom of the menu bar.
This view bar is located under the top bar and on the right side of the menu; this bar reveals some options of your current view.
Statistics / Compare layers table : On the left, we have "Statistics" and "Compare layers" buttons available. These buttons give you immediate access to all statistics related to your opened chart, all of this in one easy to view table situated directly above your chart.
More information about the table can be found here.
View's name : In the middle of the view bar, you can consult the view's name and description (by hovering on the name). Unsaved views are displayed as New view. Once you saved a view, you will notice the name given to the view and if any unsaved changes are present.
Live mode button : Clicking on live mode enables you to visualize data as it arrives in real-time. This helps you to follow your process as it happens, it also enables you to visually compare process data with fingerprints (for example) to assess process conditions.
Actions dropdown button : The "Actions" button situated at the top right of your home screen enables you to manage your new view.
The dropdown menu provides a list of actions as follows:
Discard changes - When a view has been saved, any subsequent unsaved change can be removed using this option.
Save - Save your current view.
Save as - Save new view.
Edit details - When a view is saved, you can use this action to edit some details including title, description, and location of your saved view.
Start new view - Provides you a blank canvas to start working from.
Get shareable link - Provides you a sharable link of your current view to share with those who have access to your environment.
Export - This option opens a side panel where you can download one of many exports available in TrendHub.
Chart export (PNG): chart export including all visible tags and/or attributes.
Chart data (XLSX): data of all visible tags and/or attributes.
Statistics data (XLSX): statistics data of the base layer of all active tags and/or attributes.
Compare layer data (XLSX): compare layer data of all active tags and or attributes.
Add to dashboard - This is available once the view is saved. Clicking the option opens another side panel where you can select one of the following two options.
Create a new dashboard: this will insert the view into a new dashboard.
Add to an existing dashboard: this will insert the view into a saved dashboard.
Share - With this option you can immediately share a newly saved view, in a similar fashion and without the need to navigate and locate the view in the work organizer.
Delete - The delete option will permanently delete a view without the need to go to the work organizer.