In the top bar of TrendHub, there is a search field 'Search tags & attributes' which we call the Tag and Asset Browser. This tool provides you with the ability to search for tags and attributes which you can visualize. As an alternative to the tag search (historian data), the asset browser enables you to easily navigate your plant asset structure and associated tags. The asset structure can be defined in TrendMiner or sourced from a PI Asset Framework.
The first time a user opens the Tag and Asset browser, it will display the tags tab. However, TrendHub will remember which tab was opened last and will reopen on this specific tab.
- How to add tags from the tag browser
- Advanced search
- Limiting the search scope
- How to add attributes from the asset browser
- How to set up a CSV asset tree (ContextHub)
How to add tags from the tag browser (with advanced option)
Starting with the default search of the tag and asset browser, i.e. the tags search. This one is very straightforward to use; clicking on the tag and asset browser link in the top bar opens a modal where you can immediately start searching for the wanted tags.
- Click on the "Search tags & attributes" link in the top bar.
- When looking for tags, make sure the "Tags" tab switcher is selected.
- Enter a tag name or description into the search field.
- Below the input field up to 200 results will be visualized.
- Hovering over a tag row highlights the + icon, on the left, in blue.
- Clicking on that row adds the tag to the active tags & attributes list.
- The + sign will turn green indicating that the tag has been added to your active tag list in the TAGS & ATTRIBUTES list on the tag's menu.
- The tag data is also displayed on the focus chart.
Note: A minimum of three characters are required to start a tag search.
Note: Wildcards (*) are available to specify more advanced naming patterns. E.g.: '*C101*temp*' will match all tags, assets, or attributes for which the tag name, description, or template (for assets) contain the strings 'C101' and 'temp', even if the other characters appear before, in between or after.
C** will provide matches starting with C.
Important Note: There is a limit set on the number of tags and attributes you can select and see in one view. By default, you can select up to 35 tags / attributes (in total) at a time. Only 15 of these data references can be visualized at one time. If you go beyond these limits, warning notices will appear at the top of the screen that will highlight the infraction.
Advanced search
When the tag tab is opened in the tag and asset browser, you will see a dropdown button next to the input field. Once this button is clicked, it shows the 'Advanced settings' for the tag search where you can look for a tag with a specific name or description, or both.
Once your desired name and/or description are entered, clicking the 'Search' button returns the results matching the name and description field.
Limiting the search scope
Next to the option to specify a name and/or description, you can also filter on tag types. This filter option is available on the right of the earlier discussed advanced option button. Clicking this tag type filter button opens a small popup with all available types you have at your disposal.
- Data source tags, an overview of time series archives which are available to you.
- TrendMiner only tags, like formula tags, aggregated tags, demo data, and many more
How to add attributes from asset browser (with advanced option)
Besides the earlier mentioned tags, you can also search for assets and attributes in the asset browser. When trying to look for attributes (or assets), make sure the "Assets" tab switcher is selected.
- Next to navigating through the asset structure tree and finding your desired attribute, you can also enter some text into the search field.
- Below the input field all related results will be visualized
- Hovering over an asset row highlights the > icon, on the right, in blue.
- Clicking on that row will open the contents of that asset.
- Hovering over an attributes row highlights the + icon, on the left, in blue.
- Clicking on that attribute row adds the attribute to the active tags & attributes list.
- The + sign will turn green indicating that the attribute has been added to your active tag list in the TAGS & ATTRIBUTES list on the tag's menu.
- The data of the attribute is also displayed on the focus chart.
Note: Child attributes can exist in an PI asset framework. Attributes containing child attributes will have both a + (add attribute) and a > (navigate to child attributes) button available.
When the desired attributes cannot be found by navigating through the list or by searching for them using the basic search, you can do an advanced asset search where you define a specific name, a description of your assets or attributes, or a template name. These fields are optional, meaning not all are required to be filled out.
The advanced asset search is opened by clicking the button next to the input field, which is the same as with the advanced tag search. When the button is clicked a similar dropdown is seen with three input fields. Once the desired fields are filled out and the 'Search' button is clicked, all related results are shown.
On the right of the "advanced" option button, we have a filter button where you can also filter on the available asset trees.
How to set up a CSV asset tree (ContextHub)
An asset structure can be sourced from a PI Asset Framework or defined in TrendMiner. These TrendMiner defined Asset trees can be configured and created by admin users in ContextHub. See this link for more details on creating your own asset tree.
Once a tree is defined, rights can also be assigned (or revoked) for specific users.