

Event Frame Sync

The “event frame sync” section of diagnostics page in the data section of ConfigHub allows administrators to effectively monitor the synchronization status of context capable data sources. Synchronizations are split into multiple types, for each of which a separate section exists on the diagnostics page:

  • The live synchronization is focussed on keeping the context items in TrendMiner as close as possible to the state of the event frames in the data source. It processes incoming event frames sequentially, following a “first in, first out”principle.
  • The excessive interval sync is automatically triggered from the live synchronization, in case a large amount of event frames is received over a short amount of time. It will result in this bulk update being isolated from the live sync queue, and processed in parallel.
  • The historical synchronization can be triggered on-demand for context capable data sources, and will synchronize specific intervals all event frames from that data source for a specific time interval in the past. It is processed in parallel to the live sync and excessive interval sync.

Event frame synchronization is driven by their last modified date. This makes sure that changes will always be picked up, even if the event itself occurred outside of the synchronization interval.

Live Sync

For every context capable data source with live synchronization enabled, TrendMiner will periodically check the data source for new/updated event frames. All event frames created or updated between the last check and the present moment will be picked up for synchronization. The application keeps track of synchronization progress, so even in case the synchronization is interrupted (e.g. due to connection issues), it will continue where it left off after the issue has been resolved.


In case the live sync runs into a hard exception (e.g. the data source cannot be reached, and no event frames can be retrieved), it will receive the “Failed” status and an exception message can be made visible by clicking the arrow in the left-most column.

Errors when processing single event frames will not result in a failed status, these events will simply be skipped, and tracked as part of the failed context items section.

Excessive Interval Sync

The excessive interval sync gets triggered automatically when the live sync detects a large amount of event frames in the same synchronization interval. The threshold for excessive interval sync is set to 800 event frames per interval, and once this is reached the entire interval will be isolated from the live sync and processed in parallel. This to avoid delaying the next interval of the live sync, due to the processing time required for the large amount of event frames in the current interval.


The table keeps track of a full historical overview of all excessive interval synchronizations that have occurred. For each one, the following information is made available:

  • Data source: The data source for which the need for an excessive interval sync was detected.
  • Interval: The time interval during which the need for an excessive interval sync arose.
  • Progress: The progress column combines the status of the synchronization with a progress bar. The following statuses are possible:
    • Queued: In case too many excessive interval synchronizations are already running, additional ones will be queued until resources are available to pick it up.
    • Failed: The excessive interval sync encountered a hard exception, resulting in some or all event frames not being processed. The interval synchronization can be retried by clicking the retry icon in the right-most column of the table (only visible for failed rows). The exception encountered can be shown by clicking the arrow in the left-most column.
    • Done: The excessive interval sync has completed successfully. All event frames were either processed successfully or have been added to the list of failed context items.

Historical Sync

A historical sync can be requested on-demand by administrators, for context capable data sources, by selecting the desired data source in the table and starting the historical sync for a specified interval in the past. The result is a full resynchronisation of all event frames modified during this period.


The table keeps track of a full historical overview of all historical synchronizations that have occurred. The information available in the table is the same as for the excessive interval sync, including the possibility to retry failed synchronizations.

Failed Context Items

In case an event frame fails to process correctly, and the corresponding context item cannot be created or updated, it will be added to the table of failed context items.


The table keeps track of a full historical overview of all such failures, and for each one the following information is made available:

  • External ID: The ID of the corresponding event frame, in the source system.
  • Data source: The data source in which the event frame resides.
  • Sync date: The time on which the synchronization last occurred (and failed).
  • Error message: The error message encountered at the time of failure.

Additionally, the table offers has two additional features:

  • View data source response: By clicking on the arrow in the left-most column, the administrator can view the payload that was received from the data source.
  • Re-process event frame: By clicking the retry icon in the right-most column, the application will try to reprocess the event frame, potentially resolving the failure.

Asset Framework Sync

The “asset framework sync” section of diagnostics page in the data section of ConfigHub allows administrators to effectively monitor the synchronization status of asset capable data sources.


The history table keeps track of the full history of asset framework synchronizations.


The following information is available to the administrator:

  • Data source: The data source from which the asset structure was synchronized.
  • Start date: The date and time on which the synchronization was started.
  • End date: The date and time on which the synchronization concluded.
  • Status: The final status of the synchronization

For failed synchronizations, an error message can be viewed by clicking on the arrow in the left-most column of the table.


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