31st of January 2021
The 2021.R1 release contains the following new functionality and improvements:
Presenting Embedded Notebooks
The vision behind the TrendMiner Data Analytics platform has always been to provide the process and asset expert with robust self-service analytics capabilities, to make these personas Analytics Enabled. Over the years, these analytics enabled engineers have shown an increased interest in going beyond that level of analytics maturity, further closing the gap with the data scientist in central troubleshooting groups. For this Analytics Expert user persona, we're now introducing Notebook functionality embedded within TrendMiner. This will allow users to create and work with notebooks that will provide an advanced experience beyond the robust built-in TrendMiner capabilities, yet seamlessly integrated within TrendMiner.
With the embedded Python notebooks, the Analytics Expert user will be able to load data from a TrendHub view that has been prepared using the typical built-in TrendMiner capabilities (select set of interesting tags, select timeframes of interest eg. via searches, …) and do some automation of analytics via scripting (eg. repeat analysis over a large range of assets), or even create (predictive) tags using custom models (eg. neural network, random forest, K-means clustering etc) supported by the well-known notebook libraries Pandas, NumPy, SciPy, SciKit-Learn and others..
The analytics expert can also make use of the more advanced visualisation options which come built-in with the notebooks (eg. Matplotlib, Plotly, Seaborn). That's why we've complemented the Embedded Notebook functionality with a Notebook tile, such that the Analytics Expert user can also operationalize his work by embedding it within a DashHub dashboard and make it available to his/her entire organisation.
Interested to know more or experience the capabilities yourself?
Get in touch with your TrendMiner Customer Success Manager or Account Executive to request a free trial.
Important: The minimum system requirements in order to run the new Embedded Notebooks functionality is 48GB of RAM, i.e. an additional 16GB RAM is required.
New Functionalities
- Organize & share searches: Organize your saved searches together with your saved views, formulas, fingerprints etc. in (project) folders in your work organizer and benefit from the existing sharing options to spread the word and give your colleagues insights into your analytics discoveries.
- Support for multiple asset structures: Connect to multiple OSIsoft PI AF databases and/or set up multiple manually created asset structures (csv) to unlock asset browser capabilities for your entire organization.
- DashHub 'value tile' with conditional formatting and multiple tags: Extend your DashHub dashboard with color-coded value tiles to highlight abnormal/out-of-spec values exceeding control or alarm limits, with the option to include a graph to spot trends/drifts. You can also select multiple tags or attributes to show in one tile.
- Additional modules and further improvements available in TrendHub NextGen:
- Create a permanent and shareable link to your view-state, that you can use in eg. reports
- Compare layers functionality: improved sorting and access to layer actions
- Context item visualisation: improved visualisation including option to hide all contextual data
- Predictive mode: settings of the predictive mode are persisted when navigating back and forth between menus
- Further charting improvements such as the ability to move data scooters, delete all data scooters at once and scroll functionality to zoom in or out
Application Enhancements
- Improved Tag search including filtering on tag types, remembering the selection of the historian filter.
- Improved Asset browser including navigable breadcrumbs to see the full path and extended filter capabilities.
- Time tags for some common time zones are now included. These tags allow you to include hour, day, month and year as conditions in your searches.
- Improved way of interacting with overlapping instant items on the gantt-view representation of context data.
- Elastic vertical scaling support: when providing the TrendMiner server with additional system resources, the platform will be able to recognize this and the surplus will be assigned to the most relevant services to improve performance of analytics queries.
- Introduction of asset data source capabilities: next to time series data sources, asset data source configuration has moved to ConfigHub for centralised configuration.
- Notifications for the disablement of active monitors have been added to the notification center, including the reason why they were disabled.
- The maximum number of candidates that can be added to your model during an influence factor analysis is now optimised by taking into account the duration of the focus chart. For short periods, you will be able to add up to 10 candidates to your model.
Bug fixes
- Issues with digital tags in the Trend tile of DashHub are fixed
- Duplicate attribute names are no longer blocking the OSIsoft PI Event Frame (EF) sync
- The updated functionality which adds support for multiple asset frameworks requires an update of Plant Integrations (min. connector version v.3.5.1721-aa89930)
Known issues
- Cross value based search is currently not supported (and blocked) for string tags (i.e. digital tags for which no numerical value mapping exists on the historian). Digital tags for which a numerical value mapping exists on the historian are supported.
- After investigation we have noticed that the TrendMiner PiVision plugin doesn’t work anymore with the new PiVision 2020 Update. Reason for this being the support for the Pi Web API component is no longer supported from OSIsoft.
Important: As from the 2021.R3 release onwards, the minimum system requirements will change:
Note: In case you are foreseeing issues in (timely) upgrading your system resources, please contact your CSM for more information, as we will make sure that the TrendMiner core functionalities will still fit 32GB RAM installations, albeit some functionalities might become limited or suffer from degraded performance. As from the 2021.R3 release onwards, we will drop active support* for Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) browsers, following Microsoft's recommendation to only use Internet Explorer for compatibility with older sites and applications. Ending support for IE11 will allow us to use modern web practices to improve performance and user experience as we continue adding new features. * users will still be able to use IE11 with TrendMiner, but new features might no longer work + IE11 specific bugs/issues will no longer be solved. In a later stage, existing functionalities will also be adjusted to mitigate issues due to restrictions of IE11. |
Synopsis functionality
Organize searches
As a next step to optimize work organization in TrendMiner, all searches have been added to the work organizer in this release. You can easily filter out other items with the work organizer type filter to get a clear overview of all your searches. The different searches have been added as separate types.
By having searches available in the work organizer, you benefit from all the work organizer features, including the sharing option.
Note: Filters and monitors are not included in the work organizer. When sharing saved searches, associated filters and monitors are not shared with it. To unlock the added value of a monitor, the possibility was added to allow users to save the shared search in their own work when opening the item.
Share search | Open shared search | Save shared search |
Combine the sharing of views, calculated tags, and searches to give your colleagues better insight in your complete analysis flow.
Improved tag and asset browser
The search functionality for tags and assets is unified over the different hubs. You will have the same options and experience, everywhere you go in the application. You start by selecting search tags or assets, the previous selection is now logged, which you can change at every point.
For the tag search, we have added an additional filter option so you can filter out tag types and/or search in specific data sources.
For the asset search, we have included breadcrumbs to easily navigate into your asset tree and back. Clicking the plus icon adds your asset or attribute to the selection, clicking the arrow will take you deeper into the tree. A blue highlight indicates what is going to happen if you click. The advance search gives you more options for the asset but also for tag search.
Multiple asset sources
From this release on, it is possible to connect different asset trees to your TrendMiner installation. These can be multiple PI AF trees or multiple CSV asset trees.
An asset tree can now be a datasource in the TrendMiner universe. In ConfigHub, you can configure a datasource with asset capabilities (or enable the asset capabilities of an existing timeseries data source).
It is also possible to make multiple asset trees using csv files by uploading these into your TrendMiner system. This is done in the configuration pages of ContextHub. Here you can also find an overview of all asset trees and their statuses. Asset trees that are part of a datasource can only be consulted and synced here (not configured, this has to be done by your system admin in ConfigHub). CSV asset trees can be added, edited or deleted here. If you are still working on your csv asset tree, you can save it as a draft. This will make the asset tree only available for admins. Once it is published, it is available for all users within your organization with the correct authorisations. This screen also allows you to change the order of the asset structures. This order will be used in the asset browser.
Current value tile 2.0
In 2020.R2 we presented the first version of the current value tile in DashHub. In this release, additional options were added to this tile. Now it is possible to add multiple tags/attributes in one tile. You can define rules for conditional formatting to get a quick view if a value is still within the expected range. In addition, we added an optional small graph next to the value that indicates the trend of the value and let you configure the number of digits you want to display after the decimal point.
Overlapping instant items in the Gantt chart
In the 2020.R2 release, we introduced an additional feature to make it easier to see context items that are overlapping in the Gantt chart. Now this feature is extended for instant items. The concept remains the same, if there are overlapping instant items, you can expand the row to display them all.
Embedded Notebooks
For an advanced experience beyond the robust built-in TrendMiner capabilities, Analytics Expert users can now access the embedded Notebooks via the top-menu and include the output in DashHub to complement existing tiles.
Once opening the Notebook, the user can either create a new note or load an existing note. A new note will contain some default code to load in certain python packages. These packages are necessary to work with the TrendMiner Content.
Saved Items from TrendMiner can be easily accessed via a python SDK for further use in your notebooks and will appear in the TrendMiner Content area sidebar.
Note: As of version 2021.R1, only "TrendHub Views" are available as TrendMiner Content. More content will be introduced in later versions.
Notebook tile
DashHub has been extended with an additional tile-type to allow any output of a Notebook Paragraph to be shown in a dashboard Notebook Tile. All you have to do is to provide the Notebook paragraph URL (which you can access by clicking on the "gear"-icon of the paragraph of interest, selecting "Link this paragraph" and copy the URL of the subsequent webpage) and you can share your analysis output with your TrendMiner users.