As soon as a tag or attribute is added and active, it's visualized on the focus chart. The focus chart can present your data as a:
- Stacked trend plot
- Trend plot
- Scatter plot
The stacked trend plot is the default visualization mode. The mode can be changed by clicking the focus chart visualization mode button underneath the chart.
Stacked Trend Plot
In stacked trend plot mode, each tag or attribute receives an individual swim lane on the chart to visualize its time series data.
As displayed on the image above, you can see three swim lanes. By default, each of these swim lanes represent one tag or attribute. On the left of each row, the y-axis is located. By default, the y-axis of each tag is set to the auto scale setting which makes sure all data is visible. The auto scale updates when needed. The scale setting can be changed for each tag individually (auto or manual scale) and will be remembered for future sessions.
Beneath all the swim lanes an x-axis is shown, which represents the date and time range of the visualized focus chart.
Trend Plot
A second visualization option is Trend.
In the above image, you can see the equivalencies with the stacked trend. The main difference is that for this chart, all tags and attributes are shown in one large swim lane with labels set above the chart.
Another feature only available in the Trend plot is the ability to visualize (or hide) a y-axis for the second and following tags or attributes on the chart. This is done by clicking the label of that tag in the focus chart.
Scatter Plot
The third visualization option is the scatter plot. The (multi) scatter mode highlights correlations between the different visualized tags for the selected time period. More details about the scatter plot can be found on this link.
Focus Chart Actions
In the visualization modes you can reorganize the tag labels on the chart by grabbing them and dropping them on another location.
By doing this the order of tags and attributes can be changed (i.e., the list visualized on the tags and attributes menu). This happens when you drop a label next to a trend plot or above/beneath another label on the stacked trend plot.
Creating groups is also possible. You can do this by dropping a label on top of another label. Once a group is created, the scale setting of the first tag in the group is used for the whole group. Group scale settings can also be adjusted. Click the group in the tags & attributes list to do this.
You can also adjust x axis settings by panning.
Note: For more information about grouping please check the following link. For information about panning read here.
Focus Chart Settings
Per chart there are different settings you can modify to fine-tune the chart to your liking. The settings are found at the top right of the focus chart behind the blue settings button.
For the "Trend" and "Stacked trend" chart the following settings are available.
- Context items: When enabling the "Context items" option, the context items associated with the period you have visualized will appear on the chart. This option is enabled by default for both time series visualization modes.
Note: Many context items will impact the performance of the chart.
- Trendline filling: By checking the "Trendline filling" option, the area under the curve of each tag and attribute will be filled with a shaded color. This option is enabled by default for the Trend charts.
- Gridlines: Selecting this option places gridlines onto the chart, making it easier to read the values. This option is disabled by default for both time series visualization modes.
Note: The settings of the different visualisation modes are saved separately for your user, which means you can have one setting enabled for one mode while that same setting is disabled for the second mode. The options will be saved and reused in your next session.
Note: All chart settings are saved inside a view. Meaning, when a colleague opens one of your shared views, your chart settings will be enabled for that view.
Data Scooters
Data scooters are boxes on the focus chart that contain the values of all the visible tags and attributes at a specific time on the base layer.
For analog tags, values are linearly interpolated. For discrete, string and digital tags, the value of the last recorded point is displayed.
You can create an unlimited number of data scooters to compare your values of the base period at every moment in time.
How to add Data Scooters
Adding data scooters is done by double clicking anywhere on the focus chart (Trend and Stacked trend plot).
How to move Data Scooters
A data scooter with the wrong timestamp can be frustrating. Because of this reason each data scooter can be grabbed and dragged to another position on the focus chart.
Data Scooter options
When a data scooter is created, you will see the three vertical dots button. Clicking this button reveals the options for the data scooter:
- Add context item
- Remove all
Adding context items
Is a data scooter showing the start of something that is going wrong? Mark it with a context item. Clicking the data scooter's "Add context item" button will start the creation of a context item.
The advantage of creating a context item in this way is that the start date and time are automatically filled out for the context item you are trying to create, after entering a context item type. An end date and time can be set after the creation of the context item.
More information about the creation of context items can be found here.
How to remove Data Scooters
A single data scooter can be removed in two ways. Double click anywhere on an existing data scooter, or click on the cross button in the top right corner of the data scooter.
It is also possible to remove all data scooters at once. To do this, click on the three vertical dots button in any of the available data scooters, which reveals the data scooters option list. Click the "Remove all" option to remove all data scooters.
Note: When data scooters are used on large zoomed out periods with rapidly varying data, the accuracy of the values displayed on the data scooters are limited. Best results are obtained by zooming in on the desired period.
Selection menu
You can create a selection on the focus chart by dragging and dropping your mouse over the focus chart. While doing this you can immediately see a grey box appear on the top left corner of the length of period you are creating.
Once completed, you can see a "highlighted" period, and a popup that provides you with actions that can be applied to the highlighted period.
You have the following options:
- Zoom: This option will zoom into the selection on the chart you have created.
- Add context item: Did something happen in the selected period? Mark it with a context item. Clicking this option will start the create context item flow.
The big advantage of creating a context item in this way is that the start / end date and time are automatically filled out for the context item you are trying to create, after you enter a context item type.
More information about the creation of context items can be found here.
- Weight: Increase the density of the tags and attributes in that period. Weights are used in similarity searches, to increase the importance of that selected period.
More information about weights and similarity search can be found here.
- Manual filter: With this filter option, you can exclude the selected period (or include it again). Filtering out periods removes them, ensuring that they are not used in any subsequent analyses in TrendHub (e. g., statistics / compare layer table, searches, etc.)
Filtered out period settings can be saved, meaning you can use them in later sessions.
More information about filters can be found here.