The statistics table functionality allows you to quickly consult several descriptive statistics for the tags or attributes of interest on the focus plot (Trend, Stacked trend or Scatter).
Using the statistics table
The Statistics table option can be found on the left of the view bar.
As soon as a tag or attribute is added to the active tag list, the statistics table can be displayed. The table calculates all descriptive statistics of all active tags and attributes.
The Statistics table will stay visible for as long as the table tab is selected in the view bar. With the handy resize handle in the middle below the table, the height of the statistics table can be increased or decreased. The table can also be closed by clicking the table tab in the view bar or by clicking the cross next to the resize handle.
Note: When filters are active, the statistics are calculated solely on the non-filtered data within the visualized time frame.
The values of the table are automatically updated when making any time related change on the focus chart.
Within the table you can perform a few actions:
- Sorting columns
- Adjusting the size of the columns
- Hiding tags
Each column can be sorted, which is easily done by clicking the column header. Clicking on a header provides an indication of the applied sorting used, for example, an up/down arrow icon (ascending / descending) or no arrow (sorting not active). One column can be sorted at a time, including the Tags & Attributes column. If no sorting is applied, the order of the tags corresponds to the order in the active tag list.
You can alter column width.
Tags and attributes can be made visible or hidden using the eye icons next to the data reference names.
Note: Hidden tags and attributes are also displayed in the statistics table.
Statistics table settings
The statistics table has a couple of settings that can be modified. To open the statistics table settings panel, click on the blue settings button on the top right of the table.
On the "Edit statistics summary table" panel, you can select the statistical parameters of interest to you, that you wish to see in the table.
Key Parameters
By default, all the statistics are enabled. You can hide the ones which are not useful for your current session.
The following descriptive statistics are available:
- Average values (AVG)
Shows a column with the average value for the active tags and attributes in the visualized time frame. - Standard deviation (STDEV)
Shows the standard deviation for each of the active tags and attributes in the visualized time frame. - Minimum values (MIN)
Shows a column with the minimum value of the active tags and attributes in the visualized time frame. - Maximum values (MAX)
Shows a column with the maximum value for all the active tags and attributes in the visualized time frame. - Range values
Shows a column with the difference between the minimum and maximum value for all active tags and attributes in the visualized time frame. - Integral values
Shows a column with the integral value for all active tags and attributes in the visualized time frame. The calculation assumes that the unit of the tags or attributes is units/day. If the real unit is e.g., unit/h, the shown value needs to be multiplied with 24. - Start values
Shows a column with the value for each of the active tags and attributes at the start of the visualized time frame. - End values
Shows a column with the value for each of the active tags and attributes at the end of the visualized time frame. - Delta values
Shows a column with the difference between the start and end value for all active tags and attributes in the visualized time frame. - Units of measurements
Shows a column with the units that are set in the tag or attribute.
This option allows you to fine-tune the number of digits after the decimal point for the values in the table. By default, this value is set to three with a maximum value of eight.
Note: All the settings are saved for the current session only. In a new session, all statistics will be enabled again.