Five ways to get started with DashHub

TrendMiner's DashHub allows you to easily integrate insights from both TrendHub and ContextHub, providing the opportunity to get a full 360 degrees view on your process. But where do you start? Here are 5 ways to get quick value from DashHub…

1. The easy starting point

DashHub is the ideal starting point to get a general overview of your process. Combine your favorite TrendHub views into one dashboard. See anything interesting? Just click through to TrendHub and start analyzing.

How to?

  1. Identify the main trends to follow up.
  2. Combine them in meaningful TrendHub views (e.g., per section of your process).
  3. In TrendHub, save these views as time-relative views (e.g., last 8 hours).
  4. Combine your TrendHub views as tiles in 1 overview dashboard in DashHub.
  5. Enable live auto-refresh to keep a live view on your process.


Bookmark the url of your dashboard to serve as your TrendMiner entry point


2. The KPI dashboard

What are the main KPIs of your process? Throughput, product quality, steam consumption, uptime…? Using DashHub, you can keep a close eye on these KPIs by combining KPI trends with ContextHub view count tiles indicating the number of KPI target violations.

How to?

  1. If your KPIs are not directly available as a measurement in your historian, use the tag builder to build new KPI tags.
  2. Create and save time-relative TrendHub views on your KPI tags and add these to your KPI dashboard in DashHub.
  3. Set up TrendHub monitors based on value-based searches for violations of the KPI targets (e.g., low throughput or quality, high steam consumption or downtime). Have these monitors automatically create Context Items with specified keywords.
  4. For each KPI, set up a ContextHub view based on these Context Items, showing all KPI target violations over a relevant time period (e.g., the last 24h, week or month).
  5. Add ContextHub view count tiles to your KPI dashboard, indicating the number of KPI target violations over your chosen relevant time period.


  • Want to put the KPI target on your TrendHub view tile? Create a constant formula tag in the tag builder.
  • To avoid data clutter, we advise to set up a specific context type "KPI violation" for this purpose.


3. The asset health dashboard

Do you need to safeguard multiple heat exchangers from running into fouling issues or several similar pumps from running outside of their ideal operating zones? Use monitor tiles to safeguard the operation of your critical assets at a glance.

How to?

  1. Based on value-based or operating area searches, create TrendHub monitors to alert you when your assets run into undesired conditions.
  2. In DashHub, set up a dashboard consisting of monitor tiles based on these monitors.
  3. Switch on auto-refresh and follow up on your critical assets in one place.


4. A dashboard for your production meetings

Dashboards serve as a useful entry point for discussions at your daily, weekly or monthly production meetings. Give your production team a complete overview of the relevant production data over the last day, week or month via DashHub.

How to?

  1. Identify the relevant input for your production meetings: KPIs overview, OEE violations, number of shutdowns, maintenance performed…
  2. Set up the necessary TrendHub views, monitors and ContextHub views to track this information.
  3. Bring it all together in a dashboard using DashHub.
  4. Put your dashboard on the big screen and start discussing.


5. Showcase your analytics results

True value from self-service analytics is only achieved when everybody in your company understands and values data-based decision making. Dashboards form an easy way to visualize the results of your analyses and make them accessible to a broader audience. Summarize your results in DashHub in the form of TrendHub views, ContextHub view count tiles and monitor tiles and share them with your colleagues, managers, operators… using the Work Organizer to start spreading the self-service analytics virus and reinforce your company's analytical awareness.



DashHub is under active development. To further improve it to your needs, we are very open to feedback on, e.g., new types of tiles and functionalities that would bring value. If you happen to have interesting ideas while implementing your dashboards, do not hesitate to share them via  the in-app chat in the Help Center or our make-a-wish button.

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