Access to asset information can be controlled at administrator level so that only those people that need access will be given rights. This is relevant when considering access to asset structure and contextual data attached to it at the process level, the division level and ultimately the plant level. Access to the structure means that you will be able to read the context items associated to the assets that access has been provided for.
Users with the administrator role have full asset permissions and can control access rights to the asset structure.
Note: The default position is full asset structure access to all root levels. Consequently, everyone with access to the asset framework will be able to read all context items by default. This means that permissions must be finalised before providing end users access to the asset structure.
To manage asset access rights:
1. Click on "Configuration" in the top right of ContextHub.
2. In the platform configuration menu select "Asset permissions"
The asset structure tree will open.
3. Identify the asset or parent you wish to set access levels.
An asset access panel appears on the right side of the screen. Here you will see any inherited permissions on the selected item. To add access rights:
4. Type the name of the end user under the "ITEM PERMISSIONS" heading, for which you want to provide permission for.
5. Select individual.
6. Look to the permission level field, and select permission level.
7. Click on the plus sign.
There is an overview dropdown which provides a description of the permission levels available. Three permissions levels are listed:
- Read context items: allows users to view context items in the asset structure (included permissions - browse).
- Browse: Allows browsing through asset structure.
- No access - Denies permission for users to browse beyond this component in the asset structure and hides the context data attached to these items.
Note: Access permissions can be provided at the root level, or lower levels. If access is denied at the root level, everything beyond root level is also denied. When permissions are granted on a lower level, users automatically get browse permission on the higher levels.
Note - Permissions can be set for ‘Everyone’.
Access levels are played out through the asset structure provided to the end user. Assets that the end user has not been granted permission for, will not appear in the asset structure, or any associated views that have been shared.