Stacked trend plot

Using the trend view icon Stackplot6.png, it is possible to opt for stacked trend plotting of tags stacked-plot-icon-big.png as well as the normal scatter plot and trend view.

The stacked trend sees the separation of plots into individual lanes. This provides a clearer picture of each trendline, without losing the option to group tags within the same lane.

How to create a stack trend plot

  • Visualise the desired tags (at least two tags need to be visible) in the tags menu Stackplot8.png.
  • Navigate to the desired time period you want to use for plotting.
  • Click the trend icon Stackplot6.png at the bottom-center of the focus chart. A new menu will pop up.
  • Click the stacked trend plot icon stacked-plot-icon-big.png.


TrendMiner will now switch to stacked trend mode.


Adding or removing tags

  1. Open up the tags menu if not already open.
  2. Click the (+) sign beside a tag of interest in the tags menu. This will add the tag to the stack trend plot (15 tags can be visualized, and so a maximum of 15 lanes in a view is possible).
  3. Click on the (-) beside an opened tag in the tag menu to remove the tag from the stack trend plot.

Tag grouping

The purpose of the stacked trend option is to separate plots of each tag so that a clearer view of each trend can be visualized. This also enables the easy and effective comparison of each tag, providing a more flexible and satisfactory experience when comparing data.

However, the reverse is also true. When you have tags with similar datasets you might want to realign the data to get that closer comparison. Click here for more information around tag groups. However, in short the tag labels are colour coded so that they can be easily matched with their respect trend line.


  1. Left click on a chosen tag label.
  2. Drag the selected label over a second label to merge the trendlines of both. 

As you can see in the image directly below, BA. TEMP 1 and BA. LEVEL 1 tags have been grouped into one lane so that a closer comparison to be made. The third tag remains within the confines of its own lane.

stackplot_4_2.pngTo ungroup the tags, simply click on the small arrow now embedded in the tags labels that are grouped.

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