ContextHub - Context Type Configuration

Context Item Types

Context Item Types are elements that can be used to add salient detail to your context data. Types also act as classifiers that can be used as a target for search. For example, you are interested in a particular process, specifically the maintenance history of your plant. With the creation and use of the Context Item Type "Maintenance" you will be able to find maintenance details of your process.

Open Context Item Type

  1. Click on the gear icon present in the top bar of ContextHub
  2. Click on "context item type" in left panel. A table view of all context item types available is shown.
  3. Select the context item of interest. A panel will open from the right of the screen, providing detail of the context item type selected.
  4. Edit context type fields within the panel. These fields include: the identifier, name, states, icon and color.


​Create a Context Item type

  1. Click on the gear icon present in the top bar of ContextHub.
  2. Opens the context item types config page.
  3. Click on the "Add new Context Item Type" option to create new context item type. A panel will appear from the right of the screen.
  4. Populate the panel with a name, workflow (A-Z), icon and color.
  5. Click save.

Note: Search for a specific context item type by using the search bar located in the top right of the screen.

Note: Creating Context Item types requires administration rights. 


Note: The search bar only accounts for the “Name” and the “Technical identifier” columns.

Delete a Context Item type

  1. Open the context item types config page.
  2. Identify the context item type of interest, and click on the trash can icon located in the far right column of the configuration table, in the row your context item type sits.
  3. A confirmation popup appears, click "Yes delete".
  4. If you change your mind, select "Don't delete".

Note: If a Context Item Type is in use, the delete function will not carry out the request.

Note: You cannot recreate a TYPE with the same name even after deletion. Deletions are soft deleted only.

Note: Context Items can only be deleted by their owner or an administrator.

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