This page contains some simple use cases that will help you apply TrendMiner in your day-to-day work. These use cases consist of a minimal number of steps, are easy to replicate and can be applied to a wide range of processes.
Views and layers
1. Comparing today's process behavior to last week's 1 minute |
2. Check recent process behavior 1.5 minutes |
3. Get easy access to frequently used tag sets 2 minutes |
Tag Builder
4. Smoothing noisy signals 1.5 minutes |
5. Calculating a derivative 1 minute |
6. Calculating daily production 2 minutes |
TrendMiner Searches
7. How often did this behavior occur? 2 minutes |
8. Report on monthly averages 4 minutes |
9. Filter out unstable behavior 2 minutes |
10. Monitor on process thresholds 1.5 minutes |
11. Monitor on similar process behavior 1.5 minutes |
12. Set up a monitoring dashboard 1.5 minutes |