Save, load, edit and share views

The "Saved views" menu mceclip0.pngis located in the TrendHub menu. The save views option contains a link to the work organizer by clicking on "Saved views" and a create option to save new views (+). A view contains all active tags at the specific time periods selected in the focus chart. All views that have been saved in the application are listed in the work organizer.



The standard workflow of TrendMiner includes the preparation of your analysis, searching through your data, diagnosing the underlying causes of your process issue and perhaps setting up a monitor. When you go through this type of workflow and anything similar, you are constantly creating views of your work. In TrendHub you can create traditional TrendHub views, which include the information pertaining your selected tags, preparations carried out, searches and perhaps the use of diagnostic tools. All of which are presented visually in the focus chart. You can also create Fingerprint views. These types of views when created can be saved, reloaded, edited, shared, updated and deleted. 

How to save views

Saving a view will create a copy of what is visible in the focus chart and all active tags at that moment. This enables you to easily return to a certain view at a later point. Follow the steps below to save a view:

  1. Open the views menu by selecting the saved views menu mceclip1.png icon.
  2. Click the Save_load_plus_icon.png icon (if view details panel is already open, hit the left arrow, then the plus icon).
  3. Enter a 'Name' and 'Description' of your view.
  4. Select either 'Current time frame', or 'Relative time frame'
  5. Click the 'Save' button.


Important: When you select 'Current time frame' you will create a static view that when you reload the view will remain the same as it was when saved. When you select 'Relative time frame' Your view will update each time you reload it with the latest data available in your selected tags. The relative view is pinned to the latest data available, but you can select the duration of your view by clicking on the 'Relative time frame' and selecting a time frame listed, or by inputting a custom time frame, in the custom time frame field.


Note: Views can also be saved by bookmarking or storing the view URL. 

Important: If you have selected the relative time frame option, layers and fingerprints you have created will not be included in the save. Other information such as filters and tag groups are also not saved in a view. 

The saved view will include all of the following information:

  • All visible and hidden tags in the active tag list.
  • Number of layers in the view (not using relative time frame).
  • Time frame information.

How to load views

To load a view follow these steps:

  1. Open the 'Saved views' menu, or click on the 'Work organizer' located at the top right of your UI.
  2. In 'Saved views' click on the link 'Saved views (x)' to open the work organizer.
  3. In the work organizer browse to, or search for the TrendHub view you want to load.
  4. Click on the view row to open the view in TrendHub.
  5. Click the load view field and select either 'Only load tags' or 'Only load layers'  in the drop down and then click the 'Load' button.

Note: If the view does not contain layers, or all tags of the view are already loaded, the load button will be disabled for these respective options.

When choosing the 'Load view' option, your currently active tag list will be cleared and replaced by the active tags which are part of the saved views. The focus chart will visualize all layers and visible tags which were included in the saved view. To get an overview of the saved tags look to the view details panel, as shown in the following screenshot:


Note: Currently active filters will not be deleted when loading a view.  

When loading the 'tags' of a view, all tags of this saved view will be added to your current active tag list. By default they will be added as invisible tags.

When loading the layers of a view, all saved time periods will be added as additional layers in the current working view. The active tag set will not be affected by this operation. Adding layers may be used to add batch runs, time windows from interesting transitions or patterns from a saved view. For instance, when you want to analyze a particular batch, you may use this feature to add a preselected (and saved) set of batch runs. 

Note: If tags within a view you are trying to load have been previously deleted, your view will still load. However, you will get a warning message telling you that not all tags have been loaded. The tags not loaded will be highlighted in the warning.

How to edit saved views

  1. Open the saved views menu.
  2. Click on the link 'Saved views (x)' to open the work organizer.
  3. In the work organizer browse to, or search for the view you want to load.
  4. Click on the view to open the view details.
  5. Click the three vertical dots on the details page.
  6. Click the edit icon Save_load_pencil.png in the action bar. This will visualize the saved view and a blue bar will appear at the top of the focus chart. This bar contains the following possible actions: add tags, add layers, save or cancel.

Note: You can edit the current view, when this blue bar is visible.  


By clicking on 'tags' in the blue bar, the tag menu will be opened and tags can be added to or removed from the view


By clicking on 'layers' in the blue bar, the layer menu will be opened, where you can add layers by clicking the plus icon Save_load_plus_icon.png. In addition, layers (except the base layer) can be removed by selecting the layer and clicking the delete icon Save_load_trash.png. All layers, except for the base layer, can be removed using the delete-all icon Save_load_delete_all.png.


After editing your view, you can 'Save' your adjustments by clicking on the save button in the blue bar.

How to share views

Sharing work is conducted in the work organizer. To learn how to share your work, read here

Update current view

If you have loaded a view and subsequently changed that view, you can update your saved state by clicking the three vertical dots and selecting "Update with current view". Your view has now been permanently updated.


Delete views

You can also delete a view if necessary by selecting a view, clicking the three dots and selecting "Delete".


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