Adding, hiding and removing tags

Tags are the labels used to name time series data within a time series archive.

Analysis of data in TrendMiner starts with loading in your time series data in the form of tags. This article explains how to add, hide and remove tags.

Like all data, tags can be included or excluded from your analyses. They can also be cleaned, sorted, integrated, filtered, tested upon, and saved as a new tag. To ensure you have the right data sets in your analyses, it is essential to have an intuitive platform in which you can find, select, work and save your tags. TrendMiner enables you with these capabilities, even while you conduct your analyses. 

Activate your tags by simply selecting them, then analyze.

How to add tags

One or multiple tags can be added for plotting in the tags menu via the quick or advanced tag search field as described below. Tags can also be added from a saved view, and are displayed in the active tag list

In addition, Tags can be added by visualizing the asset structure defined by TrendMiner or the PI Asset Framework. You can easily navigate the plant structure and add tags attached to a specific asset. Review asset browser for more details.

Note: TrendMiner indexes data from the historian, a tag will be indexed if it is loaded in TrendMiner for the first time. Indexing needs to be performed just once and the duration of indexing is dependent on the capacities of your historian server.

Quick tag search

  1. Open the tags menu .
  2. Search for tags in the quick tag search field indicated with 'Search by asset or tag name'.

The quick tag search field will display all full or partially matching tags after typing in two characters.

Note: wildcards (*) are available to specify more advanced naming patterns. e.g. 'C101*temp' will match all tags for which the tag name or description contains the strings 'C101' and 'temp', even if other characters appear in between.

  1. Select the tag of your choice by clicking the tag name or the plus icon Adding_hiding_1.png.
  2. Clicking the plus icon allows selection of multiple tags from the result list. 
  3. Tags can also be added using your keyboard's arrows and return/enter keys.


Tags that have recently been used are also listed in the recently used tag list. Simply click on the plus icon Adding_hiding_1.pngnext to the tag name of choice, then add it to the active tag list.

Advanced tag search

The advanced tag search enables you to search tags based on a combination of partial matches on name and/or description of the tag. 

In addition, the historian servers in which the tags are searched for can be selected as well.

  1. Open the tags menu.  
  2. Click the advanced tag search icon located right of the quick tag search field.  
  3. Complete the 'Name field' and/or the 'Description field'.

Note: wildcards (*) are available to specify more advanced naming patterns. e.g. 'C101*temp' will match all tags for which the tag name or description contains the strings 'C101' and 'temp', even if other characters appear in between.


How to hide tags

  1. Open the tags menu.
  2. Click on the eye icon  next to an active tag to toggle its visibility.

Hidden tags will stay in the active tag list, but will not be taken into account for some search-overview and will not be present on the chart.

How to remove tags

  1. Open the tags menu.
  2. Click on the remove icon next to the active tag that you want to remove.

Deselected tags will be moved to the recently used tag list for quick access, in case you should need them again.


Following functional changes have been implemented: 

  • The query requires a minimum length of 3 characters. 
  • First 200 results are returned. 
  • Results are sorted on name (ascending). 
  • Debounce is increased. 

Note: for a tag consisting of 2 characters, use the wildcard or the advanced search. 


Tag name = XY 

Search query = XY* 

-- If your TrendMiner screens does not match the screens you see above, this means you probably run an older version of TrendMiner. Contact your administrator for upgrade options.

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